Case Study of Kyocera's CAD/CAM Implementation: The Attractiveness of OneCNC's Efficiency and Cost Reduction

Kyocera Corporation is one of Japan's leading manufacturers of electronic components and electrical equipment, and its Shiga Yohkaichi Plant manufactures a wide variety of products, including fine ceramic components, machine tools, electronic components, and printing devices.

The company has introduced OneCNC many times in multiple departments in the same factory.

About the introduction and launch of OneCNC

Mr. Yokoyama joined the company in 2005 and was assigned to another division. After that, in 2011, he was assigned to the Mechanical Parts Manufacturing Section 2, and has been working as an NC programmer since 2013.

Initially, the department to which Mr. Yokoyama was assigned had three CAD/CAM systems, including OneCNC, but his predecessor's boss decided to introduce OneCNC, and after that Mr. Yokoyama himself started using OneCNC. I decided to do it.

At that time, Mr. Yokoyama was only in his second year of transfer, but he says that he was able to learn in a short time thanks to the easy-to-understand interface and excellent operability even for beginners.

Currently, no one in the same department uses other CAD/CAM, and it is unified to OneCNC.

Regarding the introduction of multiple OneCNC units in each department

Five OneCNC units have been installed in four departments within the Yokkaichi Plant of Kyocera Corporation.

When asked why OneCNC is currently being used in many departments in the factory, he said:

“At our company, a system called Amoeba Management*, which evaluates profits on a department-by-department basis, is pervasive. The decision criteria for introducing CAD/CAM is the same as processing machines, whether it will generate profits for the department.The final decision on introduction is made by the person in charge above However, system selection, examination, and proposals are also greatly involved in my position as the group manager (currently the section manager). I receive consultations from employees who are on good terms with the company, and I explain OneCNC at meetings, but in the end, it is not my ability, but rather the balance of each department that determines the outcome.

Like a processing machine, it is considered an expense, and I think OneCNC's ability to keep costs down was a big appeal of OneCNC.In addition to cost, OneCNC is very easy to operate, making it easy for beginners to use. However, it can be learned in a short period of time. I think it was also attractive from the perspective of other departments that new employees and employees who were transferred can immediately become effective.”(*)What is Amoeba.

Ameba Management, is a management method that subdivides a company organization into small groups (ameba) and operates each small group on a self-supporting basis.
It was created by the late Kazuo Inamori, the founder of Kyocera Corporation.

Kyocera Corporation, we asked for an interview because OneCNC is used as the main CAD/CAM in many departments in the same factory.

When I listened to the story, the background was the idea of ​​amoeba management, in which each department pursues profits on their own responsibility. is being evaluated.

Currently, Mr. Yokoyama is actively working on 5-axis machining using OneCNC's 5-axis option to make full use of the OneCNC function.
I think that Mr. Yokoyama's efforts will not be limited to the same department, but will spread to other departments, and will become an asset for the entire company.

We would like to do our best to help our company in the future.
Mr. Yokoyama, thank you for your cooperation.

▼ User profile

■ Company name: Kyocera Corporation Shiga Yokaichi Plant
■ Location: Jazozocho, Higashiomi City, Shiga Prefecture
■ URL:

[Installed products]
OneCNC Mill 3D Expert (Introduced in November 2022)
OneCNC Mill 3D Expert (Introduced in August 2016)
OneCNC Mill 3D Expert (Introduced in October 2013)
OneCNC 5-axis option set (fixed + simultaneous) (2013) (Introduced in October)
OneCNC Mill 2D Express (Introduced in May 2013)
OneCNC 5-axis option set (fixed + simultaneous) (Introduced in July 2010)
OneCNC Mill 3D Expert (Introduced in November 2007)


Advanced Machining&Design是一家机械车间,拥有设计,制造和加工建筑,农业和航空航天工业优质零件的经验。业主克里斯伯恩特于2011年开始进行高级加工和设计,租用一个小型车库空间并购买哈斯数控铣床。 2016年,他建造了一个新工厂,并扩建了额外的哈斯数控铣床,Fanuc线切割机床和Hurco数控车床。





“我在OneCNC上完成100%的编程,在机床本身上没有编程。 OneCNC是我业务成功的重要组成部分,对我的业务至关重要。该软件超出了我的预期,我已经升级了4次,每次新版本发布时都会这样做。我确信OneCNC始终处于最新和最伟大的技术曲线之上,这对我来说非常重要。这是一项具有竞争力的业务,我需要能够尽可能高效地制作最高质量的部件,OneCNC为我做到这一点,这是迄今为止我绝对做出的最佳商业决策之一。“

在他最近升级到XR7之后,Chris对新增功能非常满意,“我做了一些非常复杂的几何形状,我还没有遇到任何我无法以极高质量生产的部件。它还使用非常有效的工具路径。 Z级粗加工(高速加工)为我节省了数不清的工具费用,并且非常有效地去除了材料,精加工刀具路径留下了美丽的光洁度。“

高级加工和设计每年都在增长,因为它们可以在当今竞争激烈的市场中满足客户的需求。 “如果没有像OneCNC这样的工具,我会努力在我所做的水平上进行生产,并在如此短的时间内完成交付。我喜欢经营自己的企业带来的挑战,我总是想到成长,并期待今年雇用另一名员工。“

A&A Machine&Development Company,Inc。Gardena,CA

A&A机器和开发公司由Eric Hymovitz的父亲于1972年创立。埃里克花了很多时间在商店里,学习交易和扫地; A&A Machine的客户包括商业和航空航天工业,使用铝,黄铜,青铜,不锈钢,碳钢铸造,锻造和其他特殊材料等材料,位于加利福尼亚州加迪纳市。


由于Eric从OneCNC技术支持获得的帮助以及可用的培训视频,过渡非常顺利。 Eric处理这个30人店中的大部分编程,“有时你会遇到一个特定的工作,只是不知道如何处理它,而且我没有人在我的肩膀上为我提供技术,最适合工作,但有了OneCNC的技术支持,你确实有人帮助你使用对你的部件有效的不同方法。它确保我身后有人给我信心,我可以做任何工作,我的办公桌。它帮助开发和扩展我们的商店,因为我们能够进入我们可能有点害怕的工作,但因为我们有OneCNC,我们现在知道我们有能力接受这些工作。“

“我们刚刚在12月购买了另一台5轴机床,这令人兴奋,因为我们的其他5轴机床总是很忙并且落后于计划,我们期待今年能够最大限度地发挥我们的能力。我知道我们将度过一个美好的一年,在与客户交谈时,我知道他们将度过一个美好的一年。我们是客户不可或缺的供应商,并将持续很长一段时间,这些关系和他们对我们可靠性的看法对A&A Machine的成功很有价值“。

Eric Hymovitz先生
