OneCNCXR6 40.50
We have released OneCNCXR6 Version update 40.50 for all OneCNCXR6 Products.
This is quite an extensive update and we are sure many users will be pleased with the Solidworks updated import for SW 2015
This is now available in the update server.
The major items of this quite large update are:
Support for Solidworks 2015 file import
OneCNCXR6 can now import Solidworks 2015 version files.
New Help File Additions
New Help file additions representing the changes that have been made recently to mill but some added explanitary support in other areas including 4 axis Wire EDM
OneCNCXR6 Lathe addition to Threading cycles posting
The threading cycles for lathe threading have been updated with the addition of 2 new variables to accommodate the differences in Siemens threading cycle method.
OneCNCXR6 lathe profile function has been updated. As parts are often cylindrical there is at least one seam. If that happened to be that the seam was on the same plane as the profile being extracted there was the possibility of 2 profiles one from each edge of the seam.
OneCNCXR6 40.50 had added logic to assist in preventing getting 2 profiles..
There are some fixes in OneCNCXR6 Lathe mainly to the inches mode to do with parting, grooving, simulation, back plot.
OneCNCXR6 Lathe B Axis module Functionality
This module now includes undercut machining similar to Mill Expert undercut
OneCNCXR6 All Versions Languages
New language update for Danish Version
New language update for Korean version
New language update for French Version
New language update for Italian Version
New language update for Japanese Version
New language update for Dutch Version
New language update for German Version
DXF DWG Import
The DXF and DWG import has had major adjustments to Autodesk polyline import.
The import now better handles polyline directly to arc geometry.
Major Update in 5 Axis Machining
This only applies the 5 axis simultaneous added module in OneCNCXR6 Mill Expert version.This new setting has a major affect on how the 5 axis Z level finishing is applied.
There is now an added setting for tool control. for a towards centre setting.
This setting controls the way the tool is directed around the model and is more specifically used mainly for parts of a cylindrical shape.
Extensive practical testing has proven that it can provide for improved finish of these part types.
Here is an example of one of our test models used to test this new functionality
Basically the standard and previous method was normal to the surface only but this added method is towards the centre of rotation around the part.
With this setting OneCNC is set to find its own centre of the model automatically and user input is not required
The cutter although directed to the centre still moves where required to clear the mode.
We have published a movie of a completed part using this setting and you can see the results of this unique style toolpaths that provides an extremely high quality finish on the part
Here is a picture of one of our machined modules machined on our Hermle 5 axis simultaneous machine
The smoothness of the running of the machine and the high quality finish obtained with this new technology is excellent.
The automation is all controlled automatically from one simple setting in the dialog.
This eliminated the extensive user input that would be required to accomplish equal finish.
This new function does not in anyway replace the previous function because both have their unique advantages depending on the shape of the part to be machined.
New Mill Traditional Pocket Functionality.
Traditional pocket had had major update to the chaining movements to enhance the accuracy of depth cosmetic appearance of the finished tool path.
Here is a picture of what some users call a wriggly worm of the secondary cutting movement between each spiral of the tool path.
This has been a reported problem by some users both dimensionally and cosmetic reasons.
This second picture shows the now finished tool path without the secondary cutting worm.
OneCNCXR6 version 40.50 now by default micro lifts and then ramps to the next position instead of directly moving across to eliminate the cosmetic worm track and assists on some machines by eliminating secondary depth machining this area..
This picture shows the movements to eliminate the worm and the secondary cutting.
There are no settings required to invoke this as it is now a standard setting similar to the HS style which is also automatic.
The dimensions of lift and ramp actions may automatically vary depending on the tool path sizes style and directions.
This new functionality applies to all versions of OneCNCXR6 Mill Express Advantage Professional and Expert.
Traditional Pocket tool path roughing levels are carried out just as previous without micro lift in the interests of keeping code and movements to a minimum.
OneCNC Updates
OneCNCXP 5.23
Jul 31 2003
OneCNCXP 5.27
Sep 05 2003
OneCNCXP 5.29
Sep 12 2003