OneCNCXR7 Update 50.87
OneCNC Have pleasure in advising that OneCNCXR7 is now being shipped.
This release now has all products and modules included. which means it now included the OneCNCXR7 Lathe Versions
Significant developments in CAD and CAM functionality are included in the latest release of OneCNC CAD-CAM, give users additional speed and quality throughout their design and machining processes.
OneCNC updates in OneCNCXR7 are focusing on the user experience and adding enhancements to allow customers to speed up their design and manufacturing process.
Here is a OneCNCXR7 Video showing the new features of OneCNCXR7.
This is the first OneCNCXR7 update since the release of the software in November.
In this update there are changes to the following:
Localalised translation has been included in the following languages.
Japanese German Korean Danish Dutch French Italian and Spanish.
DXF/DWG Import
There are changes to the import of DXF/DWG files which now allow for the default font style for importing of these files. To overcome the problem that can arise when importing files a default font can be set because some files may have a font style that you do not have on your PC. This setting is on the first tab of the OneCNC Properties dialog.
Text Fonts and Dimension Fonts
These can now be selected as an (all) for editing purposes. Example you can select all text fonts and edit them to one style and size.
When using simulation there were a couple of reports of problems sometimes usually once first time use causing termination.. It is important that your graphics drivers are up-to-date and that your hardware is compatible.We have made some changes in the settings to assist the graphics drivers in these situations for Windows 10.
For further details please contact your local OneCNC office
OneCNC Updates
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