OneCNCXR7 Update 51.57
OneCNC has released OneCNCXR7 Version 51.57
There are changes in the OneCNCXR7 Lathe Versions
We have now added a switch in the main Tool Change dialog to control the spindle direction.
When the required codes are added in the required position in the post the direction can be set in the tool dialog.
There is also a tag box to allow it to be unlocked for changing.
We have added the ability for users to add custom variable required codes for controlling turrets gear changes and other functions required in multi-function machines.
This change applies mainly to the multi function lathes such as the Lathe with C axis or C + Y axis or the C +Y + B axis
There are changes in the OneCNCXR7 Mill Versions
We have now added a switch in the main Tool Change dialog to control the spindle direction.
When the required codes are added in the required position in the post the direction can be set in the tool dialog.
There is also a tag box to allow it to be unlocked for changing.
We have added the ability for users to add required codes for controlling spindle gear changes and other functions required in multi-function machines.
Other updates
New language support for:
German French and Japanese Languages updates.
Other Changes.
German tool files now handle the commas as well as full stops in the new tool file libraries and material libraries.
New updated Help Files
This is now available from the OneCNC Update server.
OneCNC Updates
OneCNCXP 5.23
Jul 31 2003
OneCNCXP 5.27
Sep 05 2003
OneCNCXP 5.29
Sep 12 2003