OneCNCXR5 30.64
OneCNCXR5 Update 30.64 has a number of changes and updates.
OneCNCXR5 Milling Versions have a Major Function Addition.
This applies to:
OneCNCXR5 Express
OneCNCXR5 Mill Advantage
OneCNCXR5 Mill Professional
OneCNCXR5 Mill Expert
The new functionality is 3 Axis Re-Positioning
This new functionality allows for programming the CAM section through the NC Manager on any plane without moving the part.
It is just a simple setting to turn Re-Position on then placing the plane on the face at the required orign for the programming to be automatically placed on the X Y Plane.
The new functionality allows for the the machining of all faces and provides full preview and simulation of the completed part. This is possible because all planes are machined as though they are on the XY default plane and all the preview and simulation is also applied similarly enabling the complete preview and simulation of the part.
The post has the automated ability to halt the machining process to enable the machine operator to flip or re-set the part for the next operation.
The following items apply to all OneCNCXR5 applications.
Job Sheet View and Output.
To assist users with laptops with low screen resolution the Job Sheet dialog has changed. The menu section now permits the use of the save and settings for those users. The PDF is created with multiple pages where required to view clearly all pages of information.
The PDF is saved by default to a PDF sub directory but the pathing can be configured by the user to a directory of choice.
Snap Masking of OneCNC automatic snap control
For users that are not fully accustomed to using the fully interactive automatic snap in OneCNC masking has been introduced for those situations. The masking is a one off mask to assist those users.
New Help File
A new help file is now in place with information up to and including the new features.
Image Quality Control
OneCNC in development with emphasis on speed of large files has been changing certain aspects of importing and processing due to this. In this update there is a change to better assist users to understand with automatic settings for the the viewing quality control versus the speed performance for large files.
OneCNC Updates
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