OneCNCXR4 20.73
Some adjustments made to mill and lathe versions for 4 axis Wrap Machining:
Some adjustments were made to better handle the closing and resetting the 4 Axis Wrap function.
This applies to all the OneCNCXR4 professional and expert milling versions and OneCNCXR4 express and professional lathe versions.
In the mill versions the rotate axis format is now used for setting the Wrap same as it does for the positional machining functionality.
In the lathe versions the rotate axis is also used for setting the wrap and the wrap is now automatically set to zero at the end of the function so if there is a turning operation to be used after a wrap function it wrap has already been cancelled.
OneCNC Updates
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Jul 31 2003
OneCNCXP 5.27
Sep 05 2003
OneCNCXP 5.29
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