OneCNCXR2 7.99
Update OneCNCXR2 V7.99 released February 9 2007
Updates for all versions of OneCNCXR2
Windows Vista is not supported in version 7.99
- 3D Dimensions have been added to all OneCNCXR2 software packages
Due to popular request because it seems most are using 3D and solids now we decided to add 3D dimension ability to all our OneCNCXR2 systems.
The dimensions are now under control of the "planes". This means that now in OneCNCXR2 the dimensions can be placed on any plane therefore making full 3D dimensioning possible using the standard font. The plane only sets the plane of the dimension and the dimension does not have to be actually on the plane as far as the depth is concerned. The suggested method of applying 3D dimensions to a model is just use the function extract all. Dimension the 3D model then delete the extracted layer.
- Added a switch in properties for Solidworks type mouse control
The zoom controlled by the mouse wheel has been the same as most other packages but reverse compared to Solidworks. The is now a switch in File> Properties> to control this.
- Modified the Japanese Korean and Chinese versions multi byte control.
This enables OneCNCXR2 to correctly handle multi byte characters in all the dialogs along with the calculator ability where value entry is required.
- More Language Spanish Japanese German Danish and Polish adjustments.
The new features in the software have been translated to the above languages.
Updates Specifically for OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM
- New functionality to control the start of 4 axis entry to the part.
This new functionality allows for controlled start entry on difficult parts. This would now allow for cutting directly to the corner of a pyramid just as an example ar being able to control it to enter directly on the side at an exact position. By moving the perpendicular position of the point in accordance with the top profile allows control of special start positions.
-New Post setting ability for Mitsubishi Wire EDM machines
OneCNCXR2 now has the special ability to handle absolute or incremental programming for 4 axis on Mitsubishi machines. Mitsubishi uses a Relative to last control between the upper UV guides and the lower XY guides.
-New back plot functionality support in OneCNCXR2 taper settings.
When using the Closed Shape function and setting the taper when you back plot the file it shows with indication arrows the direction of the taper. This makes it easy to confirm the taper being larger or smaller from the the selected profile.
-New functionality for the OneCNCXR2 Wire EDM EDM Hole function
There are many new combinations of settings available with the EDM hole function to allow quick program creation especially for multiple holes.
1. All holes start automatically from the center of the hole and enter at 45 deg
The 45 deg entry is to allow for automatic centering on applicable controls that use 0, 90, 180, and 270 deg positions.
2. A new setting for punch cut to not have spiral rough.
Punch cut does not have spiral removal now as it is a setting for removal as a cut off of the stub.
3. The ability to use "standard" with or without the spiral and with circular blend or deburr.
The spiral is turned off by using a step over larger than the hole radius.
4. The ability to use "glue gap" with or without the spiral and circular or deburr settings
The spiral is also turned off by applying a step over larger then the hole radius.
OneCNC Updates
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