OneCNCXR 6.23

Update 6.23 released 30th Sept 2004

The OneCNCXR update 6.23 has some alterations to the tool change logic.

This change is not included in the posts of existing so you need to add this variable to your post. When you install 6.23 or later you will have 3 new posts automatically added that include this change. They are Haas New, Fanuc New and Extron that include.

For new users there it is added to the Fanus Haas and Extron posts

Effectively what this means that it has logic to give you control over the modal operation of the tool change. This measn that if you use the tool in more than one function and it is the same tool it has the ability to handle this even if you change the work shift or speeds and feeds.

This example shows the standard post for Haas and Fanuc type controllers. There is really only a minor change to the user the rest is handled by new logic. If you set up your post like this you will see how it works. I have also included some posts to download.

The change only applies to the start lines of the tool change in this example.

Posting to Fanuc compatible or Haas controllers

Start and Finish Format

Start Lines

%Initialize the controller
{Program} ({Part})Program Number Part name in brackets

End Lines

M30Program end and rewind
%End of program send

Tool start and end lines always the same and is not affected by modal operations

Tool Change Specifications
Here is a recommended standard Haas/Fanuc tool change format.

Start Lines

{T} {M06} ({TDES})Tool number Tool change code Tool Description
{Tool Notes}Tool Notes
G90 G80 G40 {WO}Absolute program Canned cycle cancel Cutter Comp cancel Work offset
{S} M03Spindle speed Spindle on Clockwise Spindle start
G43{H} Tool length comp + direction
/{Coolant}Block skip Coolant

End Lines
M01 (optional stop so that you can stop the program at the end of a machining function)

End lines always the same and not affected by modal operations.

Feed Line Format
{G} {X} {Y} {Z} {F}

Rapid line format
{G} {X} {Y} {Z}

CW Arc format (G02)
{G} {X} {Y} {Z} {I} {J} {R} {F}

CCW Format (G03)
{G} {X} {Y} {Z} {I} {J} {R} {F}

Compensation left format (G41)

{G} {C} {X} {Y} {Z} {D} {F}{D} This is the diameter offset for the cutter diameter{F} This is for the cutting feed

Compensation right format (G42)

{G} {C} {X} {Y} {Z} {D}{F}{D} This is the diameter offset for the cutter diameter{F} This is for the cutting feed

Post settings dialog
We now have a switch for tool modal

Here you see the new {TC}variable being used

You will notice that we have introduced another variable called tool change {M06}

That variable is now used instead of a hard wired M06 the reason for this there is now logic to bind {T} which is the tool {TC} which is the tool change code and {TDES} tool description have combined logic they are all in or all out. For example if there is no tool change the 3 variables are not inserted.

If the same tool is used for the next function and the tool modal is tagged the there is no second tool change in the code and no end lines until the end of the last function using that tool.
When the tool change is not posted because it is modal the (three tool change variables) tool change is not inserted even if there were changes to the "work offset" "tool notes" or "spindle speed" variables.

This would also include any other variables if used in the tool path start lines..

If any of the other variables are changed like "spindle speed" " work offset" or "tool notes" the other code in the tool path start lines and end lines are inserted without the 3 tool change variables.

As shown above we only use an M06 for the tool change however it is unlimited the code you can have in that variable. It has been said that some machines require several codes because of their dumbness well that is possible the way it works now.

Some new high speed machines require the spindle speed in the first rapid line that is also now possible by moving the variable and M03 into the rapid line format should that be required.

Now the variables have ability for multiple lines.

When entering the prefix code for example the {TC} variable in the prefix you entered M05 M09 G53 it would post as one line.

If you entered it in the prefix as M05n M09n G53 it would post as:
