OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXR8 Release 62.80

OneCNCXR8 Release 62.80 is now available.

Z level rough

In the previous release OneCNC users were reminded it is preferable to make the top of the job the Z position in the tool clearances dialog.
This also applies to the plane setting on top of the job in the case of multi axis situations.
Some users use the bottom of the job that Z position in the clearances dialog then set the clearances manually.
Some users put the plane on the bottom instead of the top and also set the clearances manually.

We have made further adjustments to assist users that use of that type of setting.

Z Level Rough Rest machining
Z level rough had an adjustment to the rest machining functionality of the 3D rough as it was not working in some settings..

Independant Scaling
This function was adjusted to support the independent scaling of points.

Japanese language was updated.

This update is now available in the OneCNC update server for all licenced users.


OneCNCXR8 Release 62.77

OneCNCXR8 Version update 62.77

OneCNCXR8 Release 62.77 contains many adjustments which we have detailed here.but first we have a reminder for all OneCNC users.

Special Note and Reminder to all OneCNC users.

When using any Stock Model Toolpaths the top of the material top Z (top of job) must always be set correctly.

Although this is a reminder but has always been the requirement in all versions of OneCNC in the Tool Clearances dialog material top setting.

This not only controls all clearance values but also controls the depth values of pockets profiles drilling and all depths of the stock toolpaths.

This shows a typical part and the arrows depict the Material Z Top

top of jopb a

This shows the clearance dialog that controls the Material Z top (Top of the job)

tob of job 2

This release includes many functional adjustments and these are main ones.

Help File
New updated English help file and tutorials.

Was improved to prevent Invalid entity to cause printing to fail.

Z Level Rough
Z level rough toolpath improved to prevent not being generated

Engrave Simulation
Engrave tool simulation was improved.

Thread Cycle
Lathe thread cycle thread length Z positive direction was corrected

Chinese language updated
Japanese Language updated

HS Pocket
HS Closed pocket was adjusted to prevent being generated as HS Open if material top was set Z positive had further improvement. Changes were made to the offsetting method which changed the behavour of the top edge of the pocket including the top edge finish when used..

Mill Profile
Mill Profile using bullnose tool set to rough depths taper angle was corrected together with improved behaviour method of starting the top edge of the profile.

Mill Profile
Mill profile tool tip radius offset was corrected and further general behaviour improvement was made to the top edge of the profile.

Details of the new Pocket and Profile functions

Boundary behaviour changes are shown in the following graphics.

When using any stock toolpaths one of the most important value in each function is the top of the Job Z value.

This must always be on top of the Job

It can be possible to have the boundary on another Z level but the top of the job must always be the Z value used in the tool setting dialogs in OneCNC

This first graphic shows a Tapered Ball Mill being used to pocket and finish profile a pocket.

pocket 5

OneCNCXR8 supports standard style square end mills, tapered tools of square end ball nose and bullnose styles.

Users need to be aware that some of these tools the major diameter of the tool will often be outside of the pocket or profile boundary.

This of course depends on the tool sizes and lengths compared to the pocket or profile being machined.

pocket 7

This shows a tapered wall pocket using Bullnose End Mill using rough and finich parameters.

pocket 8

Shallow pocket where the tip radius of the tool is larger than the pocket depth the edge of the tool being used will now cut to the boundary.

pocket 2

This shows more clearly the pocket depth being less than the radius.

pocket 3

This shows a shallow pocket with a profile finish using a square end mill and a profile using a ball mill.

pocket 1

Be aware that in OneCNC many tools protrude beyond the boundary of the pocket or profile functions.

Ball End mill where the tip radius is less than the pocket or profile depth or the major diameter of tapered end mills often esceed the profile boundary..

High Speed pocket is not recommended for a shallow pocket with a large tip radius.

A better selection would be a Traditional Pocket or Zig Zag pocket styles with finish profile setting.

If you do use the HS style for this shallow depth pocket there will be a message to check the simulation.

HS style may not provide a suitable finish for a shallow pocket where the tip radius is greater than the pocket depth..

pocket 6

Here are other typical examples of tools with the major diameter exceeding the boundary.

Tapered Ball End Tool

tapered ball end

Tapered Bullnose Tool

tapered bullnose

Tapered square end tool

tapered swuare end

There are many stock toolpaths that can have overhang including chamfer tools.

Model toolpaths have many more situations similar.

This is the reason all toolpaths should be simulated before posting the file to the machine.

This graphic shows a chamfer tool.


OneCNCXR8 Version 62.73 is now available in the OneCNC Update Server for all licenced OneCNCXR8 users..


OneCNCXR8 Release 62.70

OneCNCXR8 Release 62.70

We released today  OneCNCXR8 Version 62.70

This is an important update with changes from our internal testing and user reports.:

HS  Mill Pocketing (Closed)
Mill pocketing had a problem if the Z was a positive value ian open style pocket was created. This is corrected in this release.

Japanese language was updated in this release.

OneCNCXR8 Version 62.70 is available now in the OneCNC Update Server for all OneCNCXR8 licenced users.