OneCNC Series Updates

This is a history of all OneCNC updates.

You may notice sometimes there can be a jump in version numbers.

This is due to intensive and continual internal testing where we thoroughly test versions before releasing proven functional updates.

To download updates, see our OneCNC Updates page.

OneCNCXR4 21.28

OneCNC has released OneCNCXR4 update 21.28

This update is applicable to all versions.

Revised functionality for the Hole Feature recognition which speeds up the location of holes as much as 10x on large files.

Profile Function, Chamfer function and Corner round functions now have the ability to cut from dashed line boundaries.

Revised Z level rough and Z level finish functions have been extensively changed to assist in the processing of large files.

STL import function now has the ability to import the older ASCII style of STL file output by some of the entry level CAD applications. OneCNC now automatically detects whether it is binary and or ASCII and imports it accordingly.

HS Z level roughing has been adjusted to being more resilient to memory handling of large files.

HS Z level finishing has been adjusted to be more resilient to memory handling of large files.

DXF/DWG had some update refinement to suit output from various CAD reports

Japanese and Italian language versions of all products were also language updated.


OneCNCXR4 21.24

OneCNC has released OneCNCXR4 update 21.24

This update is applicable to all versions.


OneCNC has now included the latest Solidworks service pack 3 updates requirement for the inclusion and install of NET distributable required to the file import for SLDPRT files in the latest Windows 7 service pack.

OneCNCXR4 now includes Solidworks direct file read for all OneCNCXR4 products.

There was an adjustment made to some versions to allow Solidworks import and Parasolid import to be accessed from either the file open dialog or the file import dialog.


New language update for the OneCNCXR4 Korean Dutch French and Danish versions.

OneCNCXR4 Lathe Professional

There was an adjustment made to the high feed rate control for C and Y axis module.

OneCNCXR4 Mill Versions

In response to a user sending a file to support an adjustment was made to the editing of coolant settings to off in the NC manager.


OneCNCXR4 21.21

OneCNC has released OneCNCXR4 update 21.21

This update is applicable to all versions.

OneCNC has now included the latest Solidworks service pack 3 updates to the file import for SLDPRT files.

OneCNCXR4 now includes Solidworks direct file read for all OneCNCXR4 products.