OneCNC Announces OneCNCXR7

OneCNC is introducing the latest version of our well known CAD CAM OneCNCXR7


OneCNCXR7 was developed with a major focus on user requests from around the world. Users globally look for improvements in features that make it faster and easier to create CNC programs for complex parts as well as enhancements that improve material removal and general productivity. CNC manufacturing equipment, cutting tools, and other related technologies are continually changing and users are looking for features to stay ahead of the curve as well as improved functionality for existing equipment.

OneCNCXR7 has had the most comprehensive testing in the company’s history, including rigorous on-machine physical testing in our magnificent new machining facility under ISO9001-2015 testing. Testing facilities include Hermle 5 axis simultaneous machines.

Our global customers as well as our Global OneCNC offices have been very active in our product development especially in testing processes which has been ongoing for the past few months. OneCNC introduced our new machining and testing facilities to replicate conditions that our users deal with on a daily basis.

OneCNCXR7 introduces dozens of significant improvements which details of will be provided closer to the release of the software which is expected by early November.

One of the major advancements is OneCNC’s Active Cut Technology which allows for major improvement in machining times together with benefits of increased cutting tools and machine tool life. OneCNC’s Active Cut technology incorporates an all new technology that actively “looks ahead” allowing the cutter path to machine at optimum speed where permitted, and accelerating where possible. This technology not only makes for very smooth vibration free machining it provides greatly improved feed rates and the added benefit of extending cutting tool and machine life. Active Cut Technology has been added to all applicable toolpaths in the milling range including pocketing, roughing, and profiling with all versions benefitting from this technology. Together with this technology there are significant changes to the GUI to provide a much more open view drawing screen and robust improvements to CAD detailing and Unicode text handling.

For further details please contact your local OneCNC office

OneCNC Offices

OneCNC Italy Exhibited at BI-MU Milan Italy


BI-MU has always been the only Italian trade show capable of drawing the attention of international public

During its 30th edition,it hosted about twenty qualified foreign delegationsfor a total of around 200 operators from Brazil, Canada, Mexico, USA, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iran, Oman, Palestine, Iraq, Uzbekistan, China, India, Indonesia and Thailand.

30.BI-MU was held from Tuesday 4 to Saturday 8 October 2016 at the Milan Fieramilano


OneCNC were very pleased with the attendance and the interest in the products.

Existing users had the opportunity to view the new upcoming range of products.


OneCNC Italy was kept busy with new potential customers as well as existing customers looking to upgrade their OneCNC to the latest version.

If you missed a demonstration to see the unique advantages of the latest OneCNC CAD CAM solutions you can contact OneCNC Italy for a personalized demonstration.

OneCNC Italy
Via Bassano del Grappa, 48/G
36030 Sarcedo (VI)
ph: + 39 393 438 3373

OneCNC Italy is exhibiting at BI-MU Italy

Third in the international exporters ranking, and fourth in the manufacturers ranking, Italy can boasts BI-MU as one of the historical and most qualified international events dedicated to machine tools, robot, production system and auxiliary technologies industry. 
30.BI-MU will be held from Tuesday 4 to Saturday 8 October 2016. Promoted by UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE, the Italian machine tool, robots, automation systems and ancillary products (NC, tools, components, accessories) manufacturers' association, 
BI-MU, celebrating its sixtieth anniversary. 30.BI-MU is organised by EFIM-ENTE FIERE ITALIANE MACCHINE.


OneCNC Italy will be showing the latest applications of OneCNC to potential customers as well as existing customers looking to upgrade their OneCNC to the latest version.

Come and see us for a demonstartion at Sfortec Exhibition, Pavillion 15 Stand H28.

If you missed a demonstration to see the unique advantages of the latest OneCNC CAD CAM solutions you can contact OneCNC Italy for a personalized demonstration.

OneCNC Italy
Via Bassano del Grappa, 48/G
36030 Sarcedo (VI)
ph: + 39 393 438 3373