OneCNC INTERMOLD Korea Korea 2011

OneCNC INTERMOLD Korea 2011 Korea issued on March 16 to 20, 2011. OneCNC Korea is very advanced in sales support and promotion in Korea.


OneCNC Korea has experienced CNC engineers that help selecting the right solution for your business is tangible.

INTERMOLD Korea 2011 was a very busy show for OneCNC shows the latest features of OneCNCXR4. OneCNC since developed many new features for the benefit of mold makers and Korea has a huge tool and die industry.


If you are in Korea and would like to support OneCNC tp in providing a demonstration in your shop OneCNC Korea has experienced engineers who can help.

OneCNC Korea >> Contact

OneCNC exhibits at DAMEX in Daegu, Korea


OneCNC Korea DAMEX 2010 issued on 10 to 13 November in Daegu, Korea.

OneCNC is a new force in the CAD CAM industry in Korea very experienced in the industry offers a complete sales and support operations in Seoul, Korea.

OneCNC Korea had 4 engineers to support on the exhibition show the complete range of products on CNC manufacturer.


This is a top view of some of the stalls in the main hall.


Here is the OneCNC Korea team including Application Engineer Scott of Australia OneCNC third from left.


DAMEX The show was very successful and provided the opportunity for OneCNC personally demonstrate the ability of powerful product.

For more information or a site visit to see the products in your production environment call OneCNC Korea.

Link >> Contact OneCNC Korea

Fair a success in the Netherlands


OneCNC Benelux again on Metavak Show (9-11 November 2010) in Gorinchem, The Netherlands issued. This is the third year in a row in this popular show for machinery and ancillary equipment suppliers.

This year we have the full range of software OneCNCXR4 and picked the latest additions in CAD drawing, modeling and processing.

Neil Day (top right) and his team busy during the show with demonstrations.

This show was the most successful in Gorinchem, with extremely positive feedback from our visitors. Our Dutch users were also full of praise for OneCNCXR4.

Link >> Contact: OneCNC Benelux